# Signature

# Signature

# Signature.signBuffer(buffer, private_key) ⇒ Signature

Kind: static method of Signature
Returns: Signature - you can use .toHex to get signature hex string

Param Type Description
buffer Object a buffer
private_key String private key


import { Signature } from 'gxclient'
const buf = Buffer.from('hello')
Signature.signBuffer(buf, '5KQNge45iAFohAJFnXowuPk3ob3eiGbAQMCtff7tM78i5RNywMe')


// if you want to use verify_signature function in contract, you must serialize your buffer first
import {serialize, Types} from 'gxclient'
const buf = serialize('hello', Types.string)
Signature.signBuffer(buf, '5KQNge45iAFohAJFnXowuPk3ob3eiGbAQMCtff7tM78i5RNywMe')