# Example

# 1. Transaction detect

import GXClientFactory from "gxclient";
import {Aes, PrivateKey} from "gxbjs";

const private_key = "";
const account_id = "1.2.525166";
const memo_private = "";

let client = GXClientFactory.instance({keyProvider:private_key, account:account_id});

// start to detect new transactions related to my account from the indicated block
client.detectTransaction(10904333, function (blockHeight, txid, operation) {
    console.log(blockHeight, txid, operation);
    // eg.
    // 10904392 '192225b26adacb71945ee71864734bd06d896376'
    // [ 0, { fee: { amount: 1000, asset_id: '1.3.1' },
    //     from: '1.2.525166',
    //     to: '1.2.521006',
    //     amount: { amount: 24382, asset_id: '1.3.1' },
    //     extensions: []
    // }]

    //deal with transfer operation
    if (operation[0] === 0) {
        // deal with deposit
        if (operation[1].to === account_id) {
            let memo = operation[1].memo;
            // decrypt memo if assigned
            if (memo) {
                let decryptedMsg = Aes.decrypt_with_checksum(PrivateKey.fromWif(memo_private), memo.from, memo.nonce, memo.message);
                console.log("memo:", decryptedMsg);
                // TODO: Persistent blockHeight, txid and operation to the database,
                // it's recommended to use blockHeight and txid as the primary key
            } else {
                console.log("no memo:", txid);
        // deal with withdraw
        if (operation[1].from === account_id) {
            console.log(txid, " should be confirmed");

# 2. KeyPair generation

import {GXClient} from "gxclient";

let client = new GXClient();


    "brainKey": "unfeued kvinter setose ghetti progger sporule decanal melagra drama nephron stamp melody nounize pomace poem tannage",
    "privateKey": "5Jpw7vEMaFL5iD8oMrRJQtuYzuytYiJ5CaX7RHSzMaeFzWnXxgG",
    "publicKey": "GXC75MBraWJqRF7PTdqYASJJSjNve1aKZUxAyj3Nb3ayWLD9LddoL"

# 3. Account register

import {GXClient} from "gxclient";

let client = new GXClient();
let keyPair = client.generateKey();

client.register("testaccount-5", keyPair.publicKey).then(resp => {
    // {"ref_block_num":32111,"ref_block_prefix":2617062570,"expiration":"2018-07-04T11:42:06","operations":[[5,{"fee":{"amount":114843,"asset_id":"1.3.0"},"registrar":"1.2.26","referrer":"1.2.26","referrer_percent":0,"name":"testaccount-3","owner":{"weight_threshold":1,"account_auths":[],"key_auths":[["GXC7kXrwuMEisXYYDRiPW7xayttNQQwTHs6uHvrzFehMqq7Nusigz",1]],"address_auths":[]},"active":{"weight_threshold":1,"account_auths":[],"key_auths":[["GXC7kXrwuMEisXYYDRiPW7xayttNQQwTHs6uHvrzFehMqq7Nusigz",1]],"address_auths":[]},"options":{"memo_key":"GXC7kXrwuMEisXYYDRiPW7xayttNQQwTHs6uHvrzFehMqq7Nusigz","voting_account":"1.2.5","num_witness":0,"num_committee":0,"votes":[],"extensions":[]},"extensions":{}}]],"extensions":[],"signatures":["1f77e23a08f77cdf2eede3c9b30c18fc3e18c1c949137af0314c9f86c49c656fe814a15b1df5f8021b8cbddc8fbe3526f70418303c4b16cbb57d37997b472457be"]}
}).catch(ex => {
    console.error("register failed:", ex);

# 4. Transfer

import GXClientFactory from "gxclient";

const private_key = "5Ka9YjFQtfUUX2Ddnqka...";
const account_name = "gxcaccount";
const asset_precicion = 5;

let client = GXClientFactory.instance({keyProvider:private_key, account:account_name,network:"wss://testnet.gxchain.org"});

// set broadcast to false so we could calculate the fee before broadcasting
let broadcast = true;

//Sending 15GXS to gxb456 with memo "GXChain NB"
client.transfer("gxb456", "GXChain NB", "15 GXC", broadcast).then(resp => {
    let transaction = broadcast ? resp[0].trx : resp;
    let txid = broadcast ? resp[0].id : "";
    console.log("txid:", txid, "fee:", transaction.operations0.fee.amount / Math.pow(10, asset_precicion));
    // > txid: f28d27ac74649a76f58c9b84fb7ea700163e31c4 fee: 0.0118
    // Since gxchain implemented dpos consensus, the transaction will be confirmed until the block becomes irreversible
    // You can find the logic when a transfer operation was confirmed in the example of detectTransaction
}).catch(ex => {


    "ref_block_num": 48921,
    "ref_block_prefix": 781272439,
    "expiration": "2018-07-04T11:42:50",
    "operations": [
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 1180,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.1"
                "from": "1.2.19",
                "to": "1.2.21",
                "amount": {
                    "amount": 1500000,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.1"
                "memo": {
                    "from": "GXC7XzFVivuBtuc2rz3Efkb41JCN4KH7iENAx9rch9QkowEmc4UvV",
                    "to": "GXC67KQNpkkLUzBgDUkWqEBtojwqPgL78QCmTRRZSLugzKEzW4rSm",
                    "nonce": "391860365831885",
                    "message": "9122fa3fcd0709c9e9c84eef9fb7e592"
                "extensions": []
    "extensions": [],
    "signatures": [
    "operation_results": [

# 5. Smart Contract API

import GXClientFactory from "gxclient";

const private_key = "";
const account_id = "1.2.19";
let client = GXClientFactory.instance({keyProvider:private_key, account:account_id});

// set broadcast to false so we could calculate the fee before broadcasting
let broadcast = true;

let contractName = "bank";

//Calling deposit method of bank contract
client.callContract(contractName, "deposit", {}, null, broadcast).then(resp => {
    let transaction = broadcast ? resp[0].trx : resp;
    let txid = broadcast ? resp[0].id : "";
    console.log(txid, JSON.stringify(transaction));

    client.getContractABI(contractName).then(abi => {
        // describe the tables

        // load the data in the tables
        let promises = abi.tables.map(table => client.getTableObjects(contractName, table.name));
        Promise.all(promises).then(infos => {
            abi.tables.forEach((table, i) => {
                console.log(table.name, infos[i]);

}).catch(ex => {

# 6. Voting

import GXClientFactory from "gxclient";

const private_key = "";
const account_id = "1.2.19";
let client = GXClientFactory.instance({keyProvider:private_key, account:account_id});

client.vote(["1.2.21"], false, "1.3.1", true).then(result => {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, "  "));
}).catch(ex => {